2019 VW Touareg Roadtrip

Heading up the Pacific Coast can be a daunting task.

For those who have battled decades of tedious traffic and boring waits at road works, the grimy 4-lane ribbon is a welcome change. There is still a way to go before the job is done, but what is there, is good.

The gap between the M1/F3 and the M2 will soon be fixed by a government tunnel being built, then sold to overseas buyers. We all know how that usually works out, right?

For the moment, regardless of how much you’ve spent on your ride, you wind your way through Sydney’s diabolical traffic snarls before getting on to the open road. You pass posh schools, replete with government funded halls set amid vast greens lawns. House after house, big enough to house 20 families a piece, mock you as you sit, held captive by weekend travellers who’ve chosen to depart at exactly the same time as you.

But then, you see it, one of the signs the government spent millions changing, and M1 reveals itself in all its glory. After a short while you begin a slow climb through canyons of brown and red. Sandstone of every hue, is speckled with the dull grey-green of hundreds of different varieties of Eucalyptus, wattle and banksia.

Crossing the Hawksbury.

You know you’ve really left the smoke and towers behind once you cross the Hawksbury.

You then begin yet another long climb onto the plateau where the real trip begins.

I stopped at the rest stop just an hour out of town. I make it a rule to rest legs and walk around a bit. After pouring a coffee from my flask I set off again. This time, the cameras were rolling.


Soon, one thing became clear, roadworks suck.

The F3/M1 is so named because locals still call the M1 by its previous name. The NSW government decided roads would be far more efficient if they all had new names. Yeah, that didn’t work.

Extensive roadworks dot the state, you guessed it, mainly in Sydney. The remainder appear to be dotted along the coast to transform the M1 into a 4 lane road between Sydney and the QLD border.

A tour through the Touareg

Touareg is thoroughly modern.

The exterior is crisp and clean with 128 LED lights at the front that are teamed with LED DTRLs.

There are LED lamps at the rear, and a gesture controlled tailgate. These, and fancy alloy wheels, take a humble SUV into the dizzy stratosphere of luxury motoring.

The cabin, accessed via Smart Entry door handles, is nothing short of a triumph.

Our car came with the stunning duel LCD screen option costing a princely $8,000. Pricey yes, but oh so fabulous.

See the video below:


How did Touareg handle the 900k trip?

VW threw everything they have at the all new Touareg.

The previous generation was good in its day, but it had aged. Technology felt old, the interior felt like a tour through another era, and the outside looked tired.

The new car can only be described as magnificent on the road.

Drive modes cycle through various levels of performance and ride. This can be further fettled with the Height Control to raise of lower the adaptive air suspension.

At cruising speed, Touareg sits happily at 110kph with active steering and cruise control doing all the hard work. Over taking is dispatched in double time, and acceleration is brisk.

See the Video Below:

See Part 1 HERE


2019 VW Touareg

Engine: 3.0L V6 turbo diesel, 190kw/205Nm    

Transmission: 8-speed automatic

Warranty: 5 years/unlimited km

Safety: Five stars

Origin: Slovakia


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