Young Queensland drivers reminded not to be “dummies” when buying their first car

ANCAP Safety, Australasia’s independent vehicle safety consumer advocate joined Queensland Minister for Transport & Main Roads, Mark Bailey, to encourage Queensland’s young drivers and their parents to research and make safer vehicle choices when buying a first car.

The “You’re No Dummy” online advertising campaign was launched among students from Yeronga State High School, reminding our newest drivers to opt for a vehicle with a high ANCAP safety rating. Reinforcing the importance of vehicle choice were two of ANCAP’s crash tested wrecks – a 1998 Toyota Corolla and its safer 2015 equivalent.

The campaign – developed by young creative minds through the Queensland Government’s Co-Lab Youth Road Safety Challenge – reminds those in the market for their first car not to be “dummies” as the campaign creative features the unnecessary lengths a young buyer goes to when visiting a car dealership – unveiling himself as a crash test dummy.

“Inexperience and older cars present a double vulnerability for our younger drivers,” said ANCAP Chief Executive, James Goodwin.

“ANCAP research shows vehicles older than 15 years are involved in 36% of fatal crashes compared with newer vehicles which are involved in far fewer at 12%.”

“The campaign aims to steer young drivers and their parents to check the ANCAP safety rating of a car prior to purchase to ensure they’re choosing the safest possible,” Mr Goodwin added.

Minister Bailey reinforced the need for safer vehicle choices to reduce the number of young Queenslanders involved in fatal and serious injury crashes.

“The serious message behind this humorous campaign is young drivers need to be behind the wheel of the safest vehicle possible – the newer the vehicle, the more protection it provides in a crash,” Mr Bailey said.

“Driving experience and skill can take time to develop, but driving a safer car is an immediate action that can improve the odds of walking away from a crash,” Mr Bailey added.

ANCAP safety ratings are available for over 720 new and used vehicle models at

The “You’re No Dummy” campaign can be viewed at